Tuesday, August 7, 2012

You Don't have to 'Like Me' and I'm okay with that.

You don’t have to like me and I’m okay with that! An easy statement, but difficult to follow through with. We all have an innate desire to be loved and if not loved at least liked. Social networking has made that come to the surface even more with allowing people to like your posts, your statuses and your photographs or to follow you. This plays to the most basic insecurity. We just must be liked!
And who likes us, really? A couple of friends, some members of your family and maybe a handful of people - but that’s it. And why should it matter if a bunch of nobodies don’t like you? I have to confess that it used to bother me an immense amount when people, I never even knew had opinions about me! I wanted to change their opinions- make my haters my biggest fans or at least try and let them get to know me. But I have found that no matter how ‘agreeable’ you are, how nice you are - some people will dislike you no matter what. And I have realised that If I make them my biggest opinion - makers- then the only one who loses out is me!
And let’s be real, surely you don’t like every body.There must be a whole bunch of people you just put up with but truly, honestly don’t like- and that’s okay. Nowhere is it written you have to love or like everyone, which brings in another important qualification. Learn to qualify people as ‘friends’ and ‘acquaintances.’ If you even have a handful of friends, real friends in my book you are an absolute winner because real friends are hard to make and those relationships harder to keep. Those are the people who truly like you and those are perhaps the only opinions that should ever matter.
And if I’ve learnt one thing it’s this eventually the only person who has to like you is you and if you can make that happen then you’ll be just fine!
Relationships and friendships are hard but may be it all starts with being a little less harsh on yourself.Afterall no one's perfect and each of us are pretty great in our own way.I like me.....and you should too...(I mean like yourself)

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Everyone sees the world differently, but our worldviews vary in clumps. Some people are focused on today, some on tomorrow. Some people see an innovation as an opportunity, others see a risk. Some people want strength while others seek obedience. Some want facts, others prefer fables.

Consider two common worldviews: Superman's and Batman's.
Batman comes to the world angry. His origin story is filled with vengeance and revenge, and in his iconic backstory, he is the merciless enforcer of right and wrong. Batman-types see the world as a zero sum game, and battles are either won or lost.
Superman, on the other hand, comes to our world with his gifts and sees his life as an opportunity and an obligation, one that he embraces. Superman could easily kill all the bad guys in a heartbeat, but he never does. For him, every challenge is an opportunity for healing. He believes in redemption and finds pleasure in using his gifts to help others.
There are dozens of other worldview-types out there. Consider the nerd (who prides himself on knowing the details), the jester (who seeks to cause mischief) and the too-busy monkey, who just wants to know what to do next and yeah, the parrot, who wants to do what he's told.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

                                                                        Woman   On   Top
                                                        Gives Way To
                                                                               Man On Top

                                              Welcome Mr. President

Will we be able to live and breath in a digital dimension one day?

It seems that that the recent trend of technology related movies have me reminiscing about my youth again. Not that I am bloody old, but having been reminded of the good ole days 10 years back certainly doesn't make you feel like a spring chicken either.
I started playing video games during the era of the third generation game consoles, having my first Nintendo when I was about 12. I remember spending endless nights during my school breaks divided between playing Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda with my little brother. In between,we sneak into the gaming arcades where we would zero in on the arcade machines. And as a teen, I frequented the arcade gaming center every other day after school. It's especially convenient when the nearest arcade center was a stone's throw away from my home.
 After watching Tron, I wonder if one day we will have the capability to travel into our computers as another self. Technology has advanced so much and so fast in the last couple of decades that the concept of Tron is not very far-fetched from what we are doing now--using avatars to represent ourselves online. Just like in Second Life, you create an avatar and live in a different world.
 But will it be possible to virtually zap ourself into a digital dimension one day? To live and breath with the same emotions and thoughts as our avatars? I'm sure that will it eventually happen when someone manages to find ways to connect our brains and body into the network.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Competing with yourself is difficult!!

We often point to competition as a tool to bring out the best in people. You will run faster or work harder or fight more ferociously if there's someone breathing down your neck or a record to be broken.

 The problem with competition is that it takes away the requirement to set your own path, to invent your own method, to find a new way. When you have competition, it's the pack that decides what's going to happen next, you're merely trying to get (or stay) in front.
 Competing with yourself is more difficult, requires more bravery and leads to more insight.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


According to a Live Science Journal article, 'Sarcasm' is now seen as an important evolutionary skill. Evolutionary theorists claim that as social beings, sarcasm may have helped us climb the ladder to survival.

I think all forms of humor make the world a better place. Thank God for making us capable of expressing and understanding sarcasm as one of them!

If it wasn't for sarcasm, our lives would have been somewhat too sweet!

Ice Cream!!!! - How dare u PC?

Dear P Chidambaram,

You are right. We are prepared to pay Rs 20 for an ice cream cone, but won’t pay Re 1 extra for a kilo of wheat or rice. But pray, dear home minister, what’s wrong with that?
In your quick clarification to the "deliberate distortion" of your statement, you agree that the government was "constrained" to raise petrol prices (and, yes, about how it was reduced twice "to benefit the middleclass"). When procurement price of an agricultural produce goes up, you wisely told us, so would the price in the market. You enlightened us on the bitter truth that when sugarcane gets pricier, sugar cannot come cheap. All fine, but what about the ice cream?
   Well, ice cream is not so much of a necessity as rice or petrol, isn’t it? Dear minister, Shall we make the distinction a little clearer? It is a distinction between existing and living. Ice cream is as essential to living - unless you are lactose intolerant - as is petrol and rice to existing. You can exist in a cycle of work, breathe, eat (not ice cream) and sleep; to live a life, we throw in a little movie there and an ice cream here, though we know they burn a hole in our pockets. Do you get the hang of it, minister?

   Is it too much to expect the government to keep prices of essential commodities within the reach of the common man? Price rise is inevitable at times, but don’t expect us not to crib about it. And don’t expect us to say no to ice creams as we crib.

Dear minister, the implication of your statement has infuriated legions of middleclass Indians. Your clarification that you have not mocked or chided them has cut no ice with the people. The sad part is that you have made a statement which is technically correct, but its import is insulting. We take you seriously, and hence we are hurt. In your clarification, you said you were "shocked and disgusted" (by the media reports of your statement). So are we.

