Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Will we be able to live and breath in a digital dimension one day?

It seems that that the recent trend of technology related movies have me reminiscing about my youth again. Not that I am bloody old, but having been reminded of the good ole days 10 years back certainly doesn't make you feel like a spring chicken either.
I started playing video games during the era of the third generation game consoles, having my first Nintendo when I was about 12. I remember spending endless nights during my school breaks divided between playing Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda with my little brother. In between,we sneak into the gaming arcades where we would zero in on the arcade machines. And as a teen, I frequented the arcade gaming center every other day after school. It's especially convenient when the nearest arcade center was a stone's throw away from my home.
 After watching Tron, I wonder if one day we will have the capability to travel into our computers as another self. Technology has advanced so much and so fast in the last couple of decades that the concept of Tron is not very far-fetched from what we are doing now--using avatars to represent ourselves online. Just like in Second Life, you create an avatar and live in a different world.
 But will it be possible to virtually zap ourself into a digital dimension one day? To live and breath with the same emotions and thoughts as our avatars? I'm sure that will it eventually happen when someone manages to find ways to connect our brains and body into the network.

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