Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Job v/s Passion

Iqbal who will work with the UIDAI for a year, was once rejected by his teachers as someone who was not going to make anything.
MOHAMMED Asif Iqbal once tried hard for acceptance, for his teachers at his Bhagalpur primary school to understand that he couldn't read clearly what they wrote on the blackboard. They asked his father to withdraw him from school because "with only 50 per cent vision," the boy was whiling his time away. He wasn't going to make it, they told his father.
Of course, the teachers were wrong. At 16, after he lost all his vision, Iqbal's uncle took him to Oregon, USA, where he enrolled in a special needs school with special educators. And today Iqbal, 34, is trying to bring that acceptance -denied to him long ago -through the Unique Identification Authority of India which launched last month to give every Indian resident a 12digit identity number.

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